Update Your Personal Operating System
There’s no better time to get outside with the people you love. This becomes even more attainable when you have the right Personal Operating System in place. Once in place it’s also imperative to have excellent Personal Time Management to maximize time and resources so you can do more of what you want.
Do you have the appropriate Performance Feedback Loops (operating systems) in place? Asking and giving the “right” kind of feedback in the right “way” at the “right” time? This will also help with improving relationships—stop guessing and gain clarity on what matters.
Four key areas of personal time management to consistently review so your operating system stays up to date:
Key Results Areas / key routines – decide net time savers and gains
Ideal week to make the work routines standard / calendared
Clutter / bad meetings / time wasters
Handle email and communications well—have a system and turn off notifications