The Importance of Team Reputation

A lot of business leaders have the idea that if they just post a job opening in their company, talented candidates will start beating down their door. Yes, a good number of people will apply for the positions, but are these individuals the top performers your team needs? Did you know that your team’s reputation has a lot to do with the type of candidates you attract? Good employees want to find good jobs, not just any job. If a person knows they have a lot to offer, they are going to be selective about where they work.

Why it’s Important to Invest in Your Employees

There are many ways that you can work to build a good reputation for your team or company. It starts with how you treat your current employees. If those employees feel that they are well taken care of, it benefits you because they will share those perspectives with job candidates.

People that work for you, will talk about you. If you are a good place to work, they will share that with those around them. If you have a strained environment and make it hard for your employees, they will share that also. So, step one in building a good reputation is to invest in engaging the people that work for you in your culture and mission.

What Your Customer Service Says To Potential Candidates

Not only are potential customers looking at customer feedback from other patrons; so are potential candidates. In today’s culture, customers have the opportunity to share with the world their experiences with your business. When you take care of your customers and provide the service they need, you are building a good reputation for your business. Word gets around, both good and bad. (Unfortunately, the bad can be heard much louder than the good!)

Is a Good Reputation Really Important to Potential Candidates?

Absolutely! People that are top performers want to work at companies that are top performing businesses. They do not want to go to work somewhere that will drag them down and keep them from reaching their career goals. People prefer not to be associated with a business that has a bad reputation for the way they treat their employees or customers. In order to attract people that are talented and qualified, you must be a team or business that has a good reputation.

Identifying Potential Team Leaders

As a team leader, you are the most important source for identifying potential team leaders in your company. This list shows some of the things you should remember as you evaluate your team members:

  • Observe each members' behaviors, skills, attitudes, values, and personalities.

  • Have clear goals and objectives outlined for each members. (Or review what they have outlined)

  • Make sure each team member has an opportunity to be the leader of a project or task.

  • Encourage them to enhance their skills by attending seminars, getting leadership training and development, and/or taking educational courses.

Keep everyone aware of your teams’ goals, objectives, and accomplishments.


Employee Engagement


Time Management Strategies